Wednesday, October 17, 2007

FBI lies, the twisted truth in hopes of a conviction

(Oct. 17) Anchorage, AK-Rob Kane is alive and well in the Philippines, but he is stuck.

If ever there was a man without a country, Kane fits the definition. You see, Kane can't come back to the U.S. even "if" he wanted to.

It seems that he has been flagged by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and is on a 'watch list.'

Even after being acquitted (in a two-week court case) he is paying the price for what looks like a war between U.S. departments that are seeking power over each other. Kind of a war-within-a-war between government agencies.

But how can this be?

Americans are not war like, we are politically correct...or are we?

For some unknown reason it appears as if the FBI sold Kane out, in a self imploding war between field offices, some who work in the U.S. and other that do not.

It seems that the agents that are so visible these days in Alaska, are looking for something more than fish, and moose, but some hide. And Rob Kane's hide was exposed for awhile during the first days of the Security Aviation investigations.

Not that the the Anchorage Daily News helped any... they were spoon fed information from the FBI and published forty some stories about Kane and Avery. Sort of like picking a scab, until it bleeds, they continued to beat the feds drum.

Not knowing, FBI agents examining the Security Aviation case involving Mark Avery tripped over Kane, blindly and tried to discredit him because he was in the way of their trumped up case.

It all started over a crash in Ketchikan, AK that killed a U.S. Custom's agent. What prompted this deal to go sour? Maybe it was knowledge that Kane had, that Security Aviation's competitors feared...and someone squealed to the Feds in jealousy.

To see and hear more about how our taxes are being used please look at these online YouTube videos from KTVA Channel 11 News in Anchorage:

A pilot dies while repossessing Security Aviation L-39s

Omissions by the FBI in search agent lies to the court and says "I am taking that company down" and he did!:

FBI goes after Rob Kane, during a witch hunt for a murdered woman who is alive:

Only an investigation into the actions of the FBI will help control this from happening needlessly again.


Akfotoman said...
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Akfotoman said...

Who is this guy Flanigan? He was too much of a wuss to post here. Give me facts, or kiss off!

Akfotoman said...

Today I received a message from someone named Flannigan or whatever, he says he has evidence, or rumors that Rob Kane is a phoney, but had no evidence. Just like the government no meat, just air.