Complaint filed with Office of Inspector General falls on deaf ears
Complaint filed on Aug. 16 lost, found, never received...send again!
Another Kane deception...?
(Anchorage, AK) Oct. 15-A barrage of phone calls to the Office of the Inspector General has produced nothing in the way of acknowledgement from this U.S. Government oversight agency about a complaint filed two months ago.
The complaint was coupled with questions about the Security Aviation case and the surrounding "odd" developments filed on Aug. 16, 2007 that has never been officially recognized to the sender.After a year-and-half of covering the "Security Aviation" case for the Alaska Journal of Commerce, I filed a complaint about investigations, events, and procedures surrounding this odd case.
The upshot is that events produced a court case acquittal for Rob Kane, and an admission of guilt by Mark Avery who claims to have stolen $52 million from the May Smith Trust Fund during events surrounding his activities at Anchorage based, Security Aviation in 2005.
The first round of OIG submissions started on Aug. 16th, was done by fax from the office of the Journal of Commerce. Days later I called the OIG "hot-line" in Washington, D.C. and was told that in fact no fax from me had been received.
My next move was to send it from my home fax so that I could personally hear, and see the fax data sucked into the whirlpool of the OIG's complaint office for myself. It went through without delay.
A week later I called and talked to an OIG agent who then told me that my fax/complaint had been received but he was forwarding it to a "field office" where my questions would be addressed. Also noting that I would receive a letter of receipt within 14-days of their receipt.
The letter never came.
So a month later I called and talked to OIG media relations spokesperson and Counsellor to the Inspector General, Cynthia Schnedar, who said she had no knowledge of the complaint, there was no record of the complaint, and that I needed to send it to her at a different fax number.
I did this the middle of September.
Having no notice that OIG had received the fax I called back again. I was told that Ms. Schneider would return my phone call.
She never called.
After a third try it was time to take things a step higher to the OIG oversight division.
Knowing that my efforts here-to-fore had not worked, I thought that perhaps a Freedom of Information Act request acknowledging that OIG had received my fax would garner a response.
A FOIA was filed on Sept. 19.Still nothing to date.
Seven days later I called the oversight division and spoke with an agent who said that she would try to find the complaint and asked for the names, and numbers where the faxes were sent. She also added that she would report this to the proper people to move things along.
I called last week Oct. 8, and the OIG secretary for Schneder said that the complaint had been received, and that Ms. Schnedar would call me back the next day about it.
No call from Schneider ever came.
Still nothing, and this is the middle of October.
What gives? An investigation that will slam the FBI, the U.S. Attorney's office, or an excuse that mice ate the complaint?Today I re-called Cynthia Schnedar who was going into an interview, and did not have the time to talk to me, her secretary asked if she could call me back tomorrow.
This is the third time I was asked politely to wait for her call."I am inclined to say NO, I would prefer to talk to her right now," was my response.
After a hold--pause, the secretary receptionist came back on and said that Ms. Schnedar could not talk to me and did I request that she return the call tomorrow? "Sure, I will give it another try," I said.
If corruption is the basis for cases investigated by the FBI, and turned over the U.S. Attorney's Office who then railroads cases into court with missing evidence, lies and trumped up evidence, who is metering these guys anyway?
Can they act like Nazi SS, or KGB officer now that we are all under the shadow of the Patriot Act?I am a tax paying U.S. citizen who just happens to also be a messenger of facts as a journalist, and right now it looks like our government has no legal guidelines.
A free ride to railroad us into oblivion.Is this a free country, where now we even have to pay for water to live, what's next the air we breath?
It appears to me that our rights as citizens to demand control over the very government we elect has been lost, or maybe misfiled, or in a trash can in the mail room, or lost in the voicemail system, or.....censored.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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