Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lies behind a blog offered in Mindanao

The information in the blog session below called Mystery Man is skewed and incorrect. The person who wrote this has pirated information that was sensationalized in the Anchorage Daily News last year.

Now hiding behind a hidden identity the writer has forged ahead to further cloud the waters of fact in the life of Rob Kane.

Perhaps one should ask why was Paul Stockler sued by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court last week? Who has the most to lose here?

If you doubt if there is a real mystery here then why was the Classified Information Protection Act envoked in court during Kane's trial?


Al Jacinto said...

Hi Rob,

Read your blog about the Mystery Man by the Anchorage Daily News.

We posted the article after an entry in your blog about Kane's trouble in Cebu.

We knew little about Kane, except that his exploits are like in a spy movie.

So we searched the web and found the Mystery Man. We are willing to correct any perceived false information about Rob Kane and the story about him.

Thank you and more power.

Mindanao Examiner

Akfotoman said...

It is honorable that the Mindanao Examiner explains their published information.
There is a plethora of misinformation about Kane's case and the Security Aviation bankruptcy case that I am going to publish soon on this blog.

P.S.-I enjoy reading the Examiner and reported news of the island.